
Our commitment to pushing the boundaries of the blow molding industry has led us to develop cutting-edge designs and techniques. Through our dedication to research and development, we have secured several patents that highlight our unique contributions to the field. Explore this page to discover the ingenuity and intellectual property that sets Mid-America Machining apart as a leader in the industry.



Our commitment to pushing the boundaries of the blow molding industry has led us to develop cutting-edge designs and techniques. Through our dedication to research and development, we have secured several patents that highlight our unique contributions to the field. Explore this page to discover the ingenuity and intellectual property that sets Mid-America Machining apart as a leader in the industry.

United States

Product Description Patent Number in United States Date of Patent
MA7170 US D678,072S March 19, 2013
MA8264, MA8362, MA8396, MA8311, MA8402, MA8433, MA8418, MA8656 US D678,774S March 26, 2013
Tooling US 8,535,599 September 17, 2013
Method of Apparatus for Making a Lightweight Container US 8,668,101 March 11, 2014
Method of Apparatus for Making a Lightweight Container US 8,979,524 March 17, 2015
MA6239 US D733,566 July 7, 2015
MA6240 US D742,747 November 10, 2015
Method of Apparatus for Making a Lightweight Container US 9,446,551 September 20, 2016
MA8500, MA8501, MA8647 US D869,954 December 17, 2019
MA6435, MA6437, MA6460, MA6461 US D1,024,782 S April 30, 2024
MA6436, MA6438, MA6454, MA6455 US D1,024,783 S April 30, 2024


Product Description Patent Number in Mexico Date of Patent
Method of Apparatus for Making a Lightweight Container MX/324509 May 7, 2012
Method of Apparatus for Making a Lightweight Container MX/343161 May 7, 2012
MA8264, MA8362, MA8396, MA8311, MA8402, MA8433, MA8418, MA8656 MX/39130 June 27, 2013
MA7170 MX/39131 June 27, 2013
MA6249, MA6328 MX/46053 April 28, 2014
MA6240 MX/45718 April 28, 2015
MA6239 MX/43357 April 2, 2015


One Quart Design 215011 April 18, 2024
One Quart Design 215013 April 18, 2024


Product Description Patent Number in Brazil Date of Patent
1 Qt Container 28mm Neck Finish BR 302022004310-9 March 28, 2023
1 Qt Container 38mm Neck Finish BR 302022004312-5 March 28, 2023